Cyber security


IT security starts with people!

Cyber security is an increasingly relevant topic for every company. In response to the growing number of cyber threats to business security, we check the resistance of IT equipment used by companies to virus attacks and intrusion opportunities. Our specialists will competently carry out assessment of your company’s social accounts, website reliability, physical impact analysis on IT equipment used by you, as well as reliability and security of information available to employees. We shall assess the state of personal data processed in your company and execute a data processing audit, then we will provide constant recommendations regarding personal data processing.

Cyber security is an ever-changing, complex and diverse area that involves much more than just the use of appropriate IT equipment. Unlike other companies in this area, we focus our attention on the human side of cyber security. We are convinced that even with a perfectly protected IT infrastructure, without its proper operation, without the awareness of employees, all investments in the IT system security would be wasted.

We will evaluate the data usage rules in force in your company (if you do not have any, we will prepare a tailored project for you) and check how employees comply with data safety requirements. By checking employees’ reactions to suspicious system actions, we will assess the ability of personnel to identify potential risks to the IT system. By applying approved methodologies, we will test the resistance of employees to possible external influences through their used social networks, the ability to identify the nature of messages received by e-mail, the potential risks and the ability to take appropriate measures to ensure the safety of IT systems and, at the same time, to ensure the safety of your business.

We will check the level of physical protection of your IT equipment and data, assess gaps in security and risks, related to the possibility of affecting, damaging IT equipment, as well as possibilities to leak or destroy the data.

At the request of the client and together with our partners, we can carry out a comprehensive cyber security assessment, in addition to our services, we also offer such IT system security assessment services, such as:

Penetration testing — we will assess your company’s security level and inform you about vulnerabilities.

Selection and installation of anti-virus solutions. After assessing the level of security, financial resources and the desired result, we will select and install modern security systems and adjust the settings that are suitable for you. 

Implementation of data leakage protection systems. In accordance with the procedures in force in your company, we will identify the most important and protected information and install and adapt automated security systems for such information.

Encryption of the internal enterprise network. By tending to the personal data protection requirements within the company, we will implement encryption solutions for the transmitted information and adapt them to your external systems.

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